Our Goal

As a responsible corporate citizen, Volkswagen Automatic Transmission (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (“VWATJ”) includes Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) in organizational operations and management, while building a smart and green factory and devoting more and more effort to society, the environment, and people.
As our company mission states, “We take on responsibility for the environment, society and our people”, the focus of VWATJ CSR is climate protection, working opportunities for people with disabilities and special care for children and the elderly. VWATJ employees are becoming increasingly involved in CSR activity alongside the company.

Take on responsibility for environment, society and people.

Work 2 Work Project

Work 2 Work (“W2W”) was launched in Germany to provide fair employment opportunities for people living with disabilities. In 2015, the W2W employment project was launched in VWATJ. Employees with disabilities have been recruited in different departments. W2W project not only provides fair employment opportunities for people with disabilities, but also reflects VWATJ’s determination and courage to undertake CSR proactively.
In the future, VWATJ will continue furthering the impact of the W2W project. We will further strengthen cooperation with the government and universities and continue to provide employment opportunities for people with disability. In parallel, VWATJ will also conduct W2W employee career development and care programs to better support the long-term development of W2W employees.

Care for People With Disability


In 2021 July, a special donation ceremony was held at Tianjin Charity Service Center. Representatives from Volkswagen Automatic Transmission Tianjin Co., Ltd., Tianjin Charity Association and Tianjin SOS Children’s Village attended.
On behalf of the company, Mr. Schahram Khosrawi-Rad, Director of HR, Organization & Education donated RMB 50,000 to Tianjin SOS Children’s Village through Tianjin Charity Association. The donation will be used for infrastructure maintenance of Tianjin SOS Children’s Village, to help create a better condition for the children.
In addition to the donation, VWATJ’ers also took part. On Children’s Day, a charity sale was held with all employees. All items on sale were donated by employees. The sale lasted for 4 days and raised a total of RMB 1750, which was donated to Tianjin SOS Children’s Village by Mr. Wang Benxue, Head of Assembly Production DQ & the chairman of Trade Union on behalf of employees.
As our company mission states, “We take on responsibility for the environment, society and our people”, the focus of VWATJ CSR is climate protection, working opportunities for people with disabilities and special care for children and the elderly. VWATJ employees are becoming increasingly involved in CSR activity alongside the company.

VWATJ supports underprivileged people with affirmative action.